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Action Mechanical
Plumbing, heating and cooling system installation and maintenance

Posts for 2019

What do you mean I need to flush my water heater?

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The often overlooked hot water heater, that big tank that’s shunned and hidden in a utility closet somewhere in your home, rarely gets any attention. Most of us don’t pay it any mind until we’re in the shower, complaining about the lack of hot water, or the five minutes it takes to heat up before we can even get in the shower. Then, all of a sudden, the water heater is a concern.  

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Save water and money with these 3 simple bathroom upgrades

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Here’s a fun fact for you: your bathroom accounts for 60% of your home’s water usage. You have three heavily used water sources that account for all that water use; the shower, the toilet, and the bathroom sink. And if you live in a home with a spouse and three children, oftentimes they’re all being used at the same time. How? We have no clue, but it’s a very real thing.  

If you want to make some water-saving changes, while also lightening the impact on your wallet, read on about three simple upgrades you can make right now that will save you money

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How to unfreeze pipes and prevent disaster.

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Winters in the Midwest typically come with some pretty harsh conditions; Blizzards, seemingly endless stretches of snow fall, and of course, freezing temperatures. It’s during these winter months that our homes become susceptible to a number of potential disasters, including frozen pipes. Frozen pipes in your home have a high probability of causing serious damage if left unfixed. When water freezes in a pipe, it expands and begins exerting pressure at about 2,000 pounds per square inch. Not many pipes, especially PVC pipes, can contain that type of pressure for long. It can rupture at any time and become a time bomb, unnoticed until the ice begins to thaw, at which point you’ll have a major flood on your hands.

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Is it time to upgrade your old heating system?

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Most homeowners will do whatever they can to squeeze out as much life as possible from their old systems, making patch repairs or paying for multiple quick fixes, to try and save money versus the cost of replacement. But if your system is over 10 years old, it may be costing you more money in energy costs and repairs than you think. If your furnace is making odd noises, or your heating bill last fall/winter was out of control, it may just be time to start looking for a replacement. Check out these 5 quick tips to decide if the time is now, and when you’re ready, call the professionals at Action Mechanical. Our certified technicians will make sure you’re not left in the cold this winter season, by installing a new heating system that fits your budget, and keeps your family warm, while cutting down on heating costs.

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End of Summer A/C Maintenance

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We know, we’re not ready to say goodbye yet either. But the reality is, summer is coming to a close in the Black Hills and surrounding areas. While it wasn’t quite the scorcher that we are accustomed to, we’re pretty sure our A/C units are ready for a bit of a break after keeping us cool all summer long. Follow these easy end of summer tips to ensure your A/C unit is ready to go without fail next season. You can also call on the pros at Action Mechanical to come out and perform an end of season inspection of your cooling system, and get the peace of mind of knowing it will be properly serviced prior to hibernating for the fall and winter.

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Action Mechanical
Plumbing, heating and cooling system installation and maintenance