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Top 10 HVAC Tips to Combat Spring Allergies from Action Mechanical

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Top 10 HVAC Tips to Combat Spring Allergies from Action Mechanical

Ah, spring! The season of blooming flowers, chirping birds, and relentless allergies. For many, it means a surge in sneezing, itching, and a desperate search for tissues. But fear not, we've got your back! At Action Mechanical, we know the importance of a top-notch HVAC system to keep your home comfortable and allergy-free. So, let's dive into our top 10 HVAC tips to combat spring allergies from Action Mechanical. From optimizing your HVAC system to investing in the best air filters for allergies, we've got you covered.

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Understanding the Relationship Between Humidity and Heat

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heat vs humidity

February is a month for many things from love and spice to flus and ice. With winter in full-effect, Action Mechanical is here to ensure your home stays warm and healthy. We offer affordable whole-home humidifier system installations to improve your home's air quality and promote healthier air flow during flu season. Plus, our humidifiers will help keep you warmer during the winter months.

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Reasons Why Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air

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Reasons why your furnace is blowing cold air

Is your heater in the house blowing cold air instead of keeping you toasty warm? Don't worry, we've all been there. Understanding the reasons why your furnace is blowing cold air can help you troubleshoot and fix the issue faster than you can say "brrrr." In this article, we'll dive into the common causes of a furnace blowing cold air.

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Save Money and Stay Warm this Holiday Season with Action Mechanical

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Are you tired of high energy bills? At Action Mechanical, we understand the importance of keeping your home warm while saving on energy costs. Our range of heating systems is designed to offer optimal performance and maximize energy heating efficiency.

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Flushing Your Finances Away? Contact Action Mechanical Today!

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Maintaining your home involves many tasks, and one area that often gets overlooked is your plumbing system. However, implementing preventative plumbing maintenance can save you from costly repairs and inconveniences in the long run. By taking proactive measures to keep your plumbing in top shape, you can enjoy a range of benefits for your home and family.

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Furnace vs Air Handler: Which is Right for You?

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Are you planning to upgrade your heating system? Deciding between a furnace versus air handler can be challenging. In this article, we'll break down the essentials and guide you through the benefits and features of each option to help you make an informed choice.

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Is it Time to Replace Your HVAC System?

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Are you noticing wear and tear on your HVAC system? Unsure of the factors to consider before you replace an HVAC system? Do you have questions about the best time to replace your HVAC system? We've got you covered. Read on to find out when it might be time to install a new HVAC unit and how to make the best decision for your home.

Let's dive into the details to see if it's time to replace your HVAC system!

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Take Action Against Drain Flies with Action Mechanical

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Summer is in full effect and so are the pests that come with this hot and vibrant season. One common pest that enjoys invading the drains of home and business owners is drain flies. Action Mechanical is here to provide effective methods to eliminate drain flies and keep your drains clean and fly-free. But before diving into solutions, let’s first understand what drain flies are and how to identify their source. 

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Advantages of Preventative A/C Maintenance

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At Action Mechanical, we recognize the significance of preventative maintenance and are dedicated to providing top-tier solutions for your A/C system. Let’s dive in and discover the many benefits of a proactive approach to A/C maintenance.

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Healthy Air is Important, Get an Air Purifier Ionizer

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Clean air is important to all homeowners but can also be overlooked. Some may not be aware of pathogens like bacteria and mold spores that can be present in one’s home. Most are aware of airborne particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander that can be present in a home. As a result of these particles, you may not be breathing the healthiest air possible in your own home. One of the best ways to ensure clean air in your home is through the installation of an air ionizer. An air ionizer is an air purifier that functions to clean indoor air. It purifies the air in a room by electrically charging air molecules. An added benefit of cleaner air in your home is the elimination of odors. These odors can come from pets, chemicals, and food. The professionals at Action Mechanical can help you install an air ionizer to ensure the air in your home is clean and safe.

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Plumbing: DIY or Professional

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Plumbing is a staple in daily life but is often overlooked and rarely thought about as a part of day-to-day life. Think about it, some homeowners utilize some kind of faucet hundreds of times a day from washing dishes to showering. With that kind of use, something will inevitably break. So, when is it okay to grab that duct tape and an old wrench, and when should a homeowner call in the Actional Mechanical professionals?

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Getting Your AC Ready for Action

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As winter winds down and warmer, sunny days approach, it’s time to bid a seasonal farewell to your heater and prepare your air conditioning unit for the upcoming summer heat. Transitioning your HVAC system from one season to another not only ensures optimal performance but also helps you stay comfortable throughout the changing weather. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to shut down your heater and prep your AC unit for the summer ahead.

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Promoting Energy Efficiency in 2024

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Did you know that homes and commercial buildings consume 40% of the energy used in the Unites States? The average American spends $2000 paying for energy annually, and it is estimated that $200 to $400 of that spend could be going to waste from drafts, outdated heating and cooling systems, and air leaks around openings. With advancements in technology and a growing awareness of energy conservation, there are now more opportunities than ever for homeowners to make their living spaces more energy efficient. At Action Mechanical, we believe that every small step toward energy efficiency counts. Here are some top recommendations for homeowners to embrace in 2024.

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Breathe Easy Before Spring Allergy Season

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As spring blossoms on the horizon, many of us eagerly anticipate the warmer weather and blooming flowers. However, for allergy sufferers, the arrival of spring also signals the onset of sneezing, itchy eyes, and other allergy symptoms. One crucial step in preparing for spring allergy season is often overlooked: changing the air filters in your home. Action Mechanical will explore the importance of this simple yet essential task and how it can significantly improve indoor air quality and alleviate allergy symptoms.

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Indoor Air Quality - Bathroom and Kitchen

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Indoor Air Quality – Bathroom and Kitchen

Did you know that according to the Environmental Protection Agency indoor air quality is four to five times worse than outdoor air quality? This is because pollutants like pet dander, dust and other pathogens get trapped inside. Proper ventilation is essential for a healthy home. Of course, there are easy ways to ventilate your home like opening windows, but what is a good solution for the winter, when you can’t open windows because of poor weather conditions? And what rooms need it the most?

It’s no shocker that ventilation is especially important in the bathroom. The humidity in this room makes it a prime place for bacteria, mold and mildew to thrive. Proper ventilation can allow you to manage the amount of moisture in this area. A great way to take care of this is to install a ventilation fan and run it after you take a shower.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to indoor pollutants causes 4.3 million pre-mature deaths each year. Breathing in these pollutants can cause pneumonia, heart disease, and other illnesses. Moisture in the air can also foster the growth of bacteria, the bacteria that creates staff infections as well as strep throat in particular.

Kitchens are another prime area for pollutants in the home. Burners can cause small particles to get into the air, gas stoves create carbon dioxide, dishwashers, and cooking release moisture into the air. The moisture can cause these pollutants to linger, especially if you don’t have a proper exhaust system. Contamination can easily be transported through the air, and require you to sanitize surfaces more often. Basically, you just NEED proper ventilation in these areas!

What can you do to better the air quality in these areas and prevent mold, mildew and bacteria from infiltrating your life?

                There are a few different things you can do to improve your air quality:

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Make Sure to Add Air to the Spring-Cleaning List This Year!

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Make sure to add your air to the spring-cleaning list this year

It’s that time of the year—where you can finally open some windows, get some fresh air, and start fresh for the season! Spring cleaning is an important part of everyone’s annual routine. This is a good time to schedule maintenance and get all the chores you’ve been putting off out of the way. This is also a good time to assess things that you don’t normally think about, like your air quality! Here are a few tips, tricks, and products to consider when coming up with an air quality plan!

                How often are you changing your air filters? Make sure that this is on top of your priority list! You don’t want to be pumping pathogens directly into your home. Changing filters regularly can alleviate allergies by stopping particles from making their way into your airstream and harboring disease-causing bacteria and viruses! Being proactive can make all the difference when it comes to mold and other substances in your home!

                Spring allergies are about to be in full swing! Have you considered the role your indoor air quality can play in your comfort levels during times like this where allergy counts are excessively high? Make sure that your home stays a safe space from the outdoor irritants like pollen, dander, and ragweed! The outdoor elements should stay where they belong—outdoors!

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Take Control of your allergies this Spring with help from Action Mechanical

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Sneezing, congestion, itching, watering eyes, they all mean one thing: Spring is in full bloom, but so are your allergies.

The cold, dry air of winter can really do its damage on your body. The dryness can inflame and irritate the mucus membranes in your respiratory track. Not to mention this can cause your body to be more susceptible to catching colds, the flu and other infections! The cold air also helps aid in the survival of harmful viruses. Enter Spring, which also means pollen. Pollen is the villain in many allergy stories, and may be the culprit of your discomfort. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or sinus infections, you are no stranger to the negative impact the weather can have on your health. The good news? There’s a solution!

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Preventative Drain Maintenance Tips and Tricks

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Tips to Avoid A Clogged Commercial Drain
If you are a business owner with a commercial kitchen, you probably already know the importance of clean drains and pipes. A clogged kitchen drain can be a catastrophe. Regular drain maintenance is an important part of preventative care, and can alleviate any major issues in the future. Although drain clogs are part of what keeps us in business, here are a few tips and tricks to unclog your drains and keep them that way!

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Stop Wasting Energy: 8 Ways to Improve your Energy Efficiency in 2021

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The new year is here and while everybody else is making resolutions to eat healthier or give up coffee, you should absolutely consider making the effort to reduce your energy consumption in the new year. With countless benefits for the environment and your pocketbook as time goes on, you can leave 2021 knowing you did right by your bank account and by Mother Nature!

While there are many obvious ways to better your energy efficiency by integrating things like renewable energy into your home, there are many simple everyday fixes that can make a meaningful impact in the long run. To help you gain better perspective on some easy ways to be more energy efficient in the new year, we’ve put together the following list!

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Taking home heating to the next level with residential boilers

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Are you tired of outrageous energy bills, poor air quality, and unreliable heating in your home during the cold winter months as the result of a tired furnace? Maybe it’s time to make the switch to a home boiler system with the help of the team at Action Mechanical!

Wait – you can have a boiler in your home in  that’s modern and not outdated? – Yes! You absolutely can!

What most people don’t understand is the difference between a furnace and a boiler, but the answer is simple: furnaces use forced-air heating that is sent through your air ducts, while boilers use boiling water and steam (radiant heat) to effectively warm your home with air that is continually filtered and recycled. But what’s all the fuss regarding boilers truly about?

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Keeping Your Furnace in Tip-Top Shape All Winter Long

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As the temperatures continue to dip, it’s time to face the harsh reality that the cold weather is here to stay. For most, you’ve likely already turned your furnace on for the season as the nightly temperatures drop into the single digits, while others have been holding out until the very last moment. No matter whether you’ve turned your furnace on or not, it is a known fact that performing safe, yearly preventative heater maintenance on your heating system is of great importance to guarantee your home stays warm all winter.


If you find yourself asking “what should I do to get my heater ready for winter?” we have some tips to help you better prepare your home and heating system for the fast approaching frigid weather!

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Fall A/C Maintenance

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It’s easy to forget about all the hard work that your A/C unit put in over the summer as it transitions to fall. You stop turning it on every day, and suddenly it’s as though it didn’t help ensure you didn’t die of heat stroke on many occasions over the last few months. Hey, we get it. But you’re here now, and Action Mechanical wants to make sure you do the right thing, and give that A/C the maintenance it deserves for keeping you cool all summer. Follow these quick and easy tips, and it’ll be ready to crank out the cool air come next spring and summer.

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Keep the air you breathe cleaner, and safer, with air ionization.

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If the year 2020 has taught us anything thus far, it’s that we could all use a little reassurance of our own personal safety. There is no more obvious place to start than by ensuring that the air we breathe is clean, free of pathogens, and safe for ourselves, our friends and colleagues, and our families. It’s quite literally our most valuable asset. So how can we protect it?

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Easy DIY Air Conditioner Repairs

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The dog days of summer are upon us, making adequate air conditioning at home and work crucial in maintaining a comfortable, healthy environment. With your air conditioner working overtime to keep you nice and cool, and accumulating wear and tear in the process, it is normal that it might experience issues here and there. However, there are some easy air conditioner repairs you can make that will fix those little problems so you can escape the heat.

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Tips for Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

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Indoor air quality is always important, as poor air quality can cause an array of health issues including chronic headaches, fatigue and respiratory issues. However, with many of us staying at home more, protecting you and your family by ensuring you have great air quality is even more critical. Luckily, there are some simple HVAC maintenance tasks you can complete to keep contaminants out of your air and improve your home’s air quality. Breathe easier by following these tips: 

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Action Mechanical
Plumbing, heating and cooling system installation and maintenance